Romeo’s letters

The extraordinary amout of letters Romeo found the time to write to his family in just a couple of days.

Mutti Rebecca

Dear parents,

only a few days have passed by since I left my hometown, but this agony of mine seems to have tormented me for years.  There is no world without Verona’s walls, but purgatory, torture, hell itself. The streets of Mantua are sad, bare, and cannot match the beauty of our beloved city; nobody here is lovable, everyone treats each other coldly.

O deadly sin! if I hadn’t killed Tybalt I would still hold you, dear mother, in my arms and, father, I would still honour you. Your distance and absence tears me apart, but yet the belief of having the both of you disappointed is my greatest fear.

I wish I could come home soon, but don’t worry about me, I feel good, I understand the circumstances and I commit myself to face the consequences of my mistakes.

With love, Romeo Montague.

Zambetti Giulia

Dear parents,         

A few days have passed since I left but I already miss my beautiful city, Verona, terribly and you, my beloved parents.

I have fallen in love with a girl, the most beautiful my eyes have ever see, her name is Juliet.

But she is a Capulet and we ran away after we got married because we know that our love could never have lived in our city.

I’m sorry if I have displeased you, but I think that my choice to leave was the best I could take for my life because I would never have given up on Juliet.

Don’t worry about me, I’m fine, I’m happy and know that I miss everything about you and that I always think of you.

I hope to be able to go home soon.

With love,

Romeo Montague

Haiduc Filippo

Dear Mother and Father,

I know how much you love me. I know how important family is. You raised me with so much love, but I have to go my own way.

I know you will disapprove of the path I have chosen, but I can’t imagine a life far from my Juliet.

I need to leave the city, feel free, far from the grudge that opposes our family and Juliet’s. I want to marry the girl I love, spend my life with her. I want to age happily and live my life without being influenced by the struggles that divide our families

I hope you can continue to love me as I love you.


Your Romeo

Cutrì Chiara

Dear parents,

I ran away from Verona a few days ago. I fell in love with a beautiful young lady, Juliet. She’s Capulet’s daughter and we got married few days ago, thanks to Friar Laurence. Now I have left my hometown because I was exiled by the prince, so I decided to run away to Mantua. As you well know I was exiled because I killed Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, to revenge the death of my friend Mercutio. He died for me, he defended me and he died for this.  

I feel a great nostalgia, I miss Verona, I miss its Art, its beauty, I miss its people. I miss Juliet, I miss her kisses, her caresses, her laugh. I miss my dear friend Mercutio too. His death left me a big void and I’m very disappointed about what happened. I feel too much pain because I don’t know if me and Juliet could ever live our love one day. our love and our happiness are hindered by the rivalry between our families. So, could you ever accept our marriage someday? 

Dear parents don’t worry about me, I feel good. I wish I could go back home soon.

With love,

Romeo Montague

Marinoni Fabio

Dear Mother and Father,

I know you will not understand what I am going to do, but I want to let you know that I’m running away for love.

I’m in love with Juliet of Capulets, but you and her family don’t and won’t ever allow us to be together.

I have felt like this since the first time we met at the ball her house, since then the only thing I wanted to do was to marry Juliet and I did it, now I only want to be with her.

 What happened between my friend Mercutio and Tybalt upset me so much that the only thing that came to my mind was to take revenge killing Tybald, I realize it wasn’the right choice.

So now the only thing I can do to be happy is to run away from this situation with my wife. 

I’m so sorry if I am not respecting the family name of Montagues, but the love I feel for her is more important than family politicst.



Bellini Elena

Dear Mother and Father,                                 

I’m your son Romeo, I would like to inform you that I have fallen in love with a beautiful girl who belongs to the Capulet family. I don’t know how it happened but it happened, and I can’t think life without my beautiful Juliet, so last night I married her in secret. Our families have been rivals for a long time, it is high time to lay down your arms, to end conflicts because they only bring death and sorrow. In the past many innocent people, for example my dear friend Mercutio, were involved in our disputes and lost their lives.

Dear parents, you taught me good manners, respect, now I am a young man, you have to let me free to live my life with my wife as I want to.

I love Juliet and I will do everything to protect our love, so I’m begging you to let us go because love is above everything and we are ready to die for it as our final solution. Dear mother and father don’t look for us and don’t interfere.

Your loving son,

Romeo Montecchi

Alejandro Jennifer

Dear mother and father,                             

it is quite strange to write to you at this moment. You know very well why I ran away or at least you know the main reason, that is, I killed Mercutio.

The situation is not the best, but I wanted to let you know that I am fine and that you need not worry.

The love that binds me to Juliet is so deep that it is difficult for me to understand the rivalry between our two families; I think that when a love is so strong there should be no obstacles other than those that may arise within the relationship.

I think that despite the various inconveniences that exist given the situations (and given the various problems), the love I have for this woman, a Capulet, is so strong that would reach any limit, even death for her.

We live, we remember and we resist.  And we just have to resist because we can no longer live, we can no longer wait.

We are unperturbed souls, we are like this, destined to abandon ourselves to the hustle and bustle, to desperate hearts.

We are clumsy beings, going towards the usual mistakes.

Trampled, abandoned and locked in our selfishness, or yours?  I don’t understand and maybe I will never understand, I only know that only love is dragging me gradually with it into a totally abstract reality.

I resist in my emotions and in my disasters.

I live in utopia. 

And nevertheless, I will continue to love you, because you are blood of my blood and I am only a poor soul who has made the one mistake of falling in love.

And I only talked about myself – I hope you are well,

a lot of love


Rota Cristina

My dear Mother and Father,

I’m Romeo, your son, I am going away to follow my path, I cannot stay here, in this town, where an eternal conflict that doesn’t concern me reigns; as the love I feel for Juliet cannot be hidden bus must be sanctioned with a marriage. I will run away and I will never come back because I want the freedom to be able to love without obligation, and freely. I will miss you all and I will not forget you but I cannot abandon my true love, Juliet, in the name of the rivalry between the Montagues and Capulets. She and I are young, carefree and deserving to be able to live our love. Maybe you will not understand this because you are blinded by hate. Do not worry I will be fine and live happily .


your Romeo.

Bonfanti Elena


Dear Mother and Father,

I am Romeo, yours beloved son. I am writing to you to explain the reasons why I ran away and to express my regret for being away from you. 

The reason of my leaving is that I met an extraordinary girl: her name is Juliet, and she is a Capulet, the only daughter of your worst enemies. The first moment I saw this beautiful girl I fell in love, and she fell in love with me, too. 

But, as I’ve  already said, fate wanted her to be a Capulet, while I am a Montague: we both knew that our families would  hinder our love and would  prevent our union; indeed her father had already decided that, when she were  a little older she would have to marry Count Paris. For this reason my beloved and I decided to marry in secret and we did it thanks to the help from Juliet’s nurse and of good Friar Laurece, whose hope, by doing this, was to pacify our two families. 

Juliet’s cousin Tybalt opposed our love; he was incensed against me because I sneaked into the Capulets’ ball, the night when for the first time my eyes were lit by the sight of the fair young woman. 

So, in a street of our Verona, Tybalt challenged me to a duel, hoping to take revenge, but I refused to fight him because, even if he didn’t know, we were now part of the same family. But my faithful friend Mercutio, furious at his insolent and wrathful words, accepted Tybalt’s challenge. 

I swear to you, my parents, that I tried to separate them, without success, and Tybalt killed my friend; that was the breaking point. Blinded by grief and rage for the unfair death of such a good friend/man and tormented by guilt, I killed Tybalt to avenge my friend and then, before the Prince arrived, I ran away. 

Few hours later Friar Laurece brought me the news of my banishment from Verona, so this is the reason why this letter is sent from Mantua.

I don’t know what will happen now, Friar Laurence has promised to keep me informed on what is happening in Verona and I can’t wait to be back in Verona with you and my bride.

Well, this is all for now, I hope with all my heart to be back soon.

I’m really looking forward to seeing you again. Lots of love

Pasinetti Elisa

Dear Mother and Father,

it is your Romeo writing to you. At present I am far from my beloved Verona for the reasons I am about to explain to you. Please make an effort to understand the situation, although I know it will be very difficult for you. I have fallen in love. I have lost my mind because of a girl.

She is beautiful, thin, not too tall, with subtle, delicate features, white (oppure  pale) skin, brown hair, and  green eyes that reflect sweetness and sincerity. Her way of walking, so delicate, makes her look like an ethereal creature. She is good, respectful and of sound principles. She’s the perfect girl for me.

I need to add, however, that she is a Capulet. I know you’re going to be very upset right now, but you can’t stop me from walking away with the woman I love.

I think it proper to inform you that a few days ago we were secretly married. For you this is probably madness, but for me it is proof  of my  love. It’s time for you to stop hating the Capulets; your constant confrontations have only caused tragic situations  such as the death of my dear friend Mercutio.

Please curb your hatred and accept this great love of ours. I hope to see you again soon.

Your Romeo

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